Embed Content

Lee Dussinger Updated by Lee Dussinger

Bring even more types of content into Opal in seconds using embed codes. The goal of this is to ensure that even more work – finished content or WIP documents – live alongside your big-picture plans in Opal.  

The supported content types include:

  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Google Workspace (including Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides & more)
  • Microsoft 365 (including PowerPoint, Word, Excel & more)
  • Box
  • Dropbox
  • Keynote
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Loom

For Miro and Google Workspace documents, the edits you make in Opal sync to the original content. 

How to use Embed Content:

  1. Open a content shell
  2. Select "Embed" as the content type
  3. Paste the embed code in the given space  
  4. The embedded content will appear automatically

Use Cases

Design teams – For design and creative teams, you can showcase your work for the first time in Opal. Ideal for bringing design into the review process.

Source of truth – The real version of more and more documents lives in Opal. 

Capturing published video – For teams that leverage video, you can more easily show a playable version of your published video content.


Does the full piece of content pull through, or is it just a screenshot?

You are seeing a live version of the real content – not just a screenshot.

If edits are being made to the original content in the native platform, will they pull automatically – or will I need a new embed code? 

Edits will automatically pull through without needing to update the embed code. 

How can I get to the original content in the native platform? 

Simply click the logo or the file name at the bottom of the content card.

Is there anything I need to do on the original platform to facilitate the embed?  

You may have to set permissions on the original platform that enable viewing and editing for anyone who has access to the embed link.

Will additional content types be added through the embed code functionality?

Yes, we are looking into adding social media content. 

Does the embedded content appear if the moment is used in a Presentation? 

Yes, the content will appear in the Presentation.

Does the embedded content pull through as a preview to the week view of the calendar? 

No, the embed content does not appear here.  

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