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URL Preview

The Email Preview & Web Preview channels and URL Preview content type allows you to increase visibility of emails or web pages in active development or finalized versions produced outside of Opal.

Note: Please contact your Opal administrator or Customer Success Manager for help adding new channels to your workspace.

Create a URL Preview

To create a URL Preview, do the following:

  1. Click "Create Content" from within a Moment.
  2. Select "Email Preview" or "Web Preview" from the drop-down menu of available channels.
  3. Click on the content card.
  4. In the Composer, select an account and then the URL Preview content type.
  5. Once you've selected the URL Preview content type you'll see a text input field for the webpage or link. Paste the URL with either "http://" or "https://" into the text field.
  6. If the URL is valid, click the "Load" button to fetch the screenshot of the content available on the URL.
  7. After the preview appears, click "Save."

Update a URL Preview

If an email or webpage is in active development, your can update the snapshot in Opal by clicking the "Refresh" button.

Note: If a URL requires login credentials or VPN access, the preview will be unable to render the snapshot and will instead show the login page or redirected landing page.

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