Table of Contents
Manage Channels & Accounts
by Erynn Baird
Campaign content spans the gamut, and Opal accommodates this across all your channels and accounts. Manage existing and add new channels and accounts for your workspace.
After an account is created, you have access to additional settings that can be applied to make each more efficient for your team.
Add Channels
To get started, you'll want to create a channel. A channel includes anything from a billboard, social channel, endcap, website, etc.

Standard Channel
Opal supports many channels natively, so your content will look the same in Opal as it will when it goes live.
- Hover over the sidebar, then click ⋮, located next to the Opal logo.
- Hover over Configure Workspace, then click “Channels & Accounts”
- Click “Add Channel or Account +”
- Select a Standard Channel, e.g. Email, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
- Enter an Account Name
- Optional: Add an Account URL
- Click “Create”
Supported Standard Channels
- Digital Advertising
- Email Modules
- Flickr
- Longform
- Radio
- Snapchat
- Television
- TikTok
- Tumblr
- VK
- Web
- Web Preview
- YouTube
Custom Channel
Create any channel not available in Opal. Some examples include: website, billboard, end cap, in-store display, etc. Custom Channels are limited only by your creative reach.
- Hover over the sidebar, then click ⋮, located next to the Opal logo.
- Hover over Configure Workspace, then click “Channels & Accounts”
- Click “Add Channel or Account +”
- Click the “Add Custom Channel” button
- Enter the Channel Name
- Select a Channel Image or upload an image
- Optional: Update the Sub-Channel Name
- Click “Create Channel”
Add Accounts
After a channel has been created, add as many accounts as you need. An account is a specific page, profile, location, list, etc. that you’ll use within a channel. You may have more than one account for each channel. e.g. Thistle Global and Thistle U.S.

Add Standard and Custom Accounts
- Hover over the sidebar, then click ⋮, located next to the Opal logo.
- Hover over Configure Workspace, then click “Channels & Accounts”.
- Option 1 - Click “Add Channel or Account +”, then click “Add” for the relevant channel
Option 2 - Click “Add Account +” on a visible channel - Fill in the required fields
- Click “Create Account”
Add Website Channel Pages
- Hover over the sidebar, then click ⋮, located next to the Opal logo.
- Hover over Configure Workspace, then click “Channels & Accounts”.
- Option 1 - Click “Add Channel or Account +”, then click “Add Page” for the relevant channel
Option 2 - Click “Add Account +” for the preferred website channel - Enter the Page Name
- Enter the Page URL
- Click “Create Page”
Manage Channels
Make changes to or delete a channel.

- Hover over the sidebar, then click ⋮, located next to the Opal logo.
- Hover over Configure Workspace, then click “Channels & Accounts”.
- Hover over the channel you'd like to edit, click the … icon.
- Click “Edit this channel”.
- Make the needed changes then click “Edit Channel”.
- Hover over the sidebar, then click ⋮, located next to the Opal logo.
Managing Accounts
Each account has a number of settings that can be managed.

Options that can be managed include:
- Account URL
- Integrations
- Labels
- Workflow
- Content Delivery
- Lock this Account
- Placements
- Settings
Account URL
Click on the “Account URL” icon to edit the existing URL or to quickly copy the URL to your clipboard.

If an integration with a publishing partner is turned on for an account, click on the “Integrations” icon to modify “Automatic” and “One-click” delivery options.

If an account requires specific labels always be added when creating content, click on the “Labels” icon to add the labels. When content is created with this account, the set labels will be applied by default.
Optionally select "Required" to make a label set required for content planned for a specific account.

When an account in a workspace follows the same process - from development to approval to metrics gathering, task and approval phases can be set up for a workflow to be automatically applied.
If an account requires approval from a specific user or tasks to be performed for all content created, add the user as an account level approver by clicking on the “Workflow” icon. Add as many approval or task phases as needed to each approval phase.
For approvals, If more than one approver is listed, specify whether approval is needed from all approvers listed or any one approver. The approver cannot be removed in the approval & delivery tab nor can someone approve on behalf of the assigned approver.
Selecting the option "Do not allow approval phases to be modified on content" will prevent anyone from changing the configured approval workflow in the ”Approval & Delivery” tab.

Content Delivery
If you would like to designate a user to receive approved content 30-mins prior to publishing time, click on the “Content Delivery” icon. First select the delivery method (email, SMS, or email & SMS) and designate the user.

Lock Account
If creation and deletion of content for an account needs to be limited to specific users, click on the “Lock this Account” icon and specify who can create and delete content for an account. If a user does not have access to create or delete content with an account, they will still be able to view the content.

A placement is a space that your content can occupy on a virtual or physical location. That placement may be any number of spaces such as a billboard, social channel, endcap, website, etc.

Edit Account
To make changes to the account, click the … icon to edit, deactivate, or delete it.