Table of Contents

Personal Panel

The Personal Panel houses all information and settings related to you.

Open the Personal Panel

To access the Personal Panel, click your user avatar in the top right hand corner of Opal, or press alt+shift+p on your keyboard.

Within the Personal Panel you have access to:

  • Account Options
  • Approvals
  • Notifications
  • Downloads

Account Options

To access all your user account settings, view your profile, or logout of Opal, open the Personal Panel, and click the icon located in the top right hand corner of the panel.

Once clicked, you will be able to access these options from the dropdown:

  • Edit My Settings
  • View My Profile
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of use
  • Log out of Opal

Manage Tasks

During the content creation process, tasks are assigned to users who are responsible for the task. All tasks assigned to you will appear in your personal panel under the tasks tab. 

You can see a list of your tasks in the following states:

  • To-Do - Tasks that are part of an active phase and require immediate attention. 
  • Upcoming - Tasks that are assigned to you, but aren't yet in an active phase. 
  • Overdue - Tasks that were not completed by their scheduled due date. 
  • Completed - Tasks that you've completed.

For any of your tasks, you'll see the account it's required for and a due date if one's been added. Simply click a task to view a rendering of the content related to the task. Click the content rendering to navigate to the content. 


Completed Tasks

To ensure workflow moves seamlessly through each phase, it's important you complete tasks on time. You will receive a notification in the Personal Panel and via email 72 and 24 hours before the due date.

Once you've completed a task, check it off via the Personal Panel or the Workflow & Delivery tab in the content Composer. Doing so will move the task activate the next workflow phase and, move the task to your completed list.

Pro tip: You can complete tasks assigned to colleagues by clicking the checkbox yourself.

Star Tasks

By hovering over a task in the personal panel, a star will appear to the right. By clicking the star, the task will move to a new bucket at the top of the panel, labeled "Tasks I've Starred". Tasks can easily be un-starred by clicking on the star again.

Stars will not be visible in the Completed tasks tab, but all other tabs support starring and unstarring. Stars will also persist as a task moves between tabs. For example, if an issue is starred when it is in Upcoming it will still be starred as it moves to To Do, and eventually to Overdue.


Approve & Decline Content

Approvals in the Personal Panel allow you to review, approve, and decline content from anywhere in Opal, right alongside your tasks and notifications, allowing you to streamline your approval process with the rest of your workflow.




All of your notifications are available via the Notifications tab. All notifications are visible by default.  

Within the Personal Panel, all notifications are in one of three states:

  1. Unseen: Unseen notifications will cause your user avatar to show an orange dot, which indicates that there is a minimum of one unseen notification.
  2. Seen: Once the Personal Panel is opened, all previously unseen notifications are marked as seen. The orange dot on the user avatar will be removed, but an orange dot will still be visible on the notifications themselves.
  3. Read: A notification can be marked as read by simply clicking the notification, and will result in the orange dot turning gray.

Clicking any notification will navigate you to the object, i.e story, moment, content, asset, or chat and activity feed.  

Clicking the “X” button on any notification will permanently remove it from your notifications list.



All downloads, such as PDF exports, asset downloads, and content renderings will appear under the Downloads tab. Click the downloads tab to reveal any items that are ready for you to download, and click “Download” to save it to your computer.

Note: Past downloads are always listed in the Personal Panel, and cannot be removed.

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