Campaign Planner 101

Lee Dussinger Updated by Lee Dussinger

Campaign Planner 101

Campaign Planner is Opal's dedicated strategic planning space. The flexible blocks, swimlanes, visual options, and drag-and-drop controls make representing any plan easy. In addition, your big-picture strategic plans can be connected directly to the tactical work also being done in Opal. This pays off the promise of truly connecting marketing strategy to execution.

Why to Leverage Campaign Planner

Opal built Campaign Planner to create a better way to do big-picture strategic planning. While this is a critical function of nearly every marketing and comms organization, there is no dedicated tool to do this, and the current processes around it are lacking. This highly important strategic work is often done in a combination of spreadsheets and slides.

Here's why Campaign Planner represents a significant upgrade:

Connected to real work - One of the core promises of Campaign Planner is that it empowers users to solve their visibility and alignment challenges. This happens by directly connecting the strategic planning with the tactical work that ladders up to those plans.

Easy to use - With drag-and-drop functionality, Campaign Planner is much easier to use than a spreadsheet for building plans. This difference is especially clear when trying to make edits or move campaign blocks.

Context is at-hand - Rather than trying to fit the full context of your big campaign in a spreadsheet cell, you have a a full space to brainstorm, write and collaborate.

Backed by data - Campaign Planner gives users the ability to import essential KPIs so they can plan with data at-hand. This makes for stronger plans and data-informed decisions.

Central to how work happens currently - Rather than working in decks or spreadsheets that are easily lost, work happens within the central tool the organization or team already leverages.

Campaign Planner FAQ

Does Campaign Planner replace Stories?

As of right now, Stories are not going away. However, we see that Campaign Planner provides superior functionality for creating marketing strategies and connecting those to work in Opal. We are looking into ways to bring the functionality of Stories into Campaign Planner. We will communicate the transition from Stories to Plans clearly and no changes will be made that will cause any users to lose work.

Are there limits to the size of a plan?

There are no limits to how long a plan can be or the amount of blocks, swimlanes, or content in a plan.

How many plans can a Workspace create?

There is no limit for the amount of plans that can be created. We expect organizations to leverage a large number of different plans for different strategies.

Can plans be shared via presentations like the calendar?

That is not currently possible, but it is a feature we are looking to add in the near future. Work created from a Board is currently able to be turned into a presentation.

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