Table of Contents
Content Composer Tabs
There are a number of details you can add to a piece of content to fully describe how it will be used in relation to your story. These details can be found within the Composer tabs.
Content Settings
The first tab in the Composer is Content Settings, and is indicated by a gear icon.
This tab includes options such as content type (e.g. standard, album or video), the account you are planning this content for, scheduled time and labels.

Channel Specific Options
Some channels have specific options, such as targeting and filters, that may be a crucial part of your planning process. In the second tab of the Composer, you have the ability to plan for these channel specific options.
For example, if you’re planning a Facebook post, you can specify targeting details, media buy amount and the dates on which to pin and highlight the content. For Instagram, you can specify the desired filter, whether to maintain aspect ratio, as well as enter a location.
Please keep in mind that these details must be entered manually when publishing natively. If channel-specific options are included on a piece of content, the options tab will turn green to indicate that one or more options have been selected.

If you’re working for a brand that works in multiple regions around the world, you might be tasked with sending content to teams, so they can reuse the content in their region.
When content has been localized, this tab will be available to you. In this tab you can compare the content you are working on with other versions of the content, simplifying the process of creating localized content and ensuring message consistency everywhere the content is used.

More Options
Taking actions on content can range from duplication to deletion or sharing. Additionally, you can move content to another moment or localize content for another geo or market.

Note, Chat & Activity
When creating content, working together with your team is a crucial part of the process. The chat feature allows you to chat with other collaborators on your team in real time.
Click on the Note, Chat & Activity tab and then click “Add Your Thoughts.” Enter your questions or comments and even upload a relevant file or image. We recommend that you @mention individuals in your Opal to whom you wish to direct your comment. @mentioned users will get a notification as well as an email to which they can reply directly from their email.
They can either reply to your message in real time or when they are ready. If they respond, this tab will turn green letting you know there is a new, unread message.
You can also add a note or an attachment to provide details about the content. These notes commonly contain important information regarding the content that could otherwise be missed in the chat and activity feed.

Workflow & Delivery
Set the way your content will be delivered by using “Do Not Deliver,” or “Native” delivery options. If your Opal is integrated with a publishing partner, navigate to the integration section in Using Opal.
Clicking “Do Not Deliver” will keep content in Opal regardless of the content approval status.
When you select “Native,” you will have the option to select for a single user to receive approved content, copy, notes, etc. via email, SMS, or email AND SMS in advance of the scheduled time.

When content is ready for review, use the existing approver settings or update the approvers and phases to meet your needs. The approvals setup is flexible and will allow you to add multiple people to each phase. Additionally, you can set each phase to only require one or all listed approvers and specify a due date.
When a due date is set, reminders will be sent to approvers 72 and 24 hours before the due date if no action has taken place on the content approval phase.
To add an approver to a phase, click into a phase and start typing someone’s name. When their profile information appears, click on it. Continue adding names until all desired approvers have been added to the phase.
To add a phase, click on the white “+” button. The new phase will appear below the current phase.
Remove a phase by clicking on the “Options” icon for that phase and then click “Remove This Phase.”
Note: If you are using an integrated partner your content must be fully approved to be delivered.
Click “Save” to apply the changes you made to content and continue working. When you’re finished, click “Save + Close” or “x” in the top right-hand corner.

Save + Close
To apply the changes you made to your content and close out of the Composer, click “Save + Close.” You’ll navigate back to your previous view to continue working in Opal.