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Share Content

There may be times when you need to share content with another member of your team outside of Opal. Whether it’s a single piece of content or several, Opal provides the functionality to easily send content to a colleague or collaborator.

Note: Email is sent from If you do not see an email you are expecting, check your Spam folder, or speak with your support team.

Sharing a Single Piece of Content

If you need to share a single piece of content, simply

  1. Navigate to a piece of content.
  2. Click the “” icon on the content card.
  3. Click “Share This Content.” This will open the sharing menu where you will be given a few share options.
    1. Drag and drop a rendering of your content to your Desktop.
    2. Click on the rendering of your content to load it in a new window.
    3. Email your content by providing the email address/es of who you’d like to receive a rendering of the content.
Tip: However you choose to share your content, we recommend including a note so the recipient knows why they are receiving it.

Sharing Multiple Pieces of Content

If you’d like to share multiple pieces of content at one time, we recommend creating an Opal presentation. To learn more, see Creating a Presentation.

Once you’ve created a presentation, you can share it as a link or export it as a PDF to save to your device or print.

To share with a link, click the “Share” button in your presentation. Create a new share link and either copy the link to send to your recipient/s outside of Opal or optionally send the link directly from Opal as an email.

  1. Navigate to Presentations.
  2. Locate the presentation you’d like to share.
  3. Click the “Share” icon.
  4. Click “Create a New Share Link.”
  5. Specify the link expiration time.
  6. Click “Done.”
  7. Hover over the link you’d like to share.
  8. Click “Copy” or “Send” to share the presentation link.

Export to PDF

To export, click on the export button from inside your presentation. You can specify if the PDF will be printed or used digitally, optionally allowing for a seamless digital document or one that contains page breaks.

  1. Navigate to Presentations.
  2. Locate the presentation you’d like to export.
  3. Click the edit icon.
  4. Click “Export.”
  5. Select or unselect the slides you want included.
  6. Click “Export to PDF.”
  7. Opal will send you a notification in the Personal Panel and an email when your PDF is available.

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