
Lee Dussinger Updated by Lee Dussinger

Marketing requests made easy with an intuitive form solutiuon.

Opal + Formstack

The ability to make project requests to the marketing team is a critical component of workflow for organizations of all sizes. See how our Formstack integration makes this intuitive:

How the Opal + Formstack Integration Works for Customers

These are the basics of how Opal and Formstack combine to deliver streamlined marketing requests:

  1. Opal sets everything up. Firstly, our team creates all of the custom Formstack request forms that your organization needs – based on your specifications. After that, we create the boards staging area in your Opal that the completed forms will populate.
  2. These request forms live externally and can be embedded in emails or on webpages.
  3. Whenever someone fills out a form, the submitted request immediately populates a board. Depending on what you decided during setup, this can automatically kickstart workflows.
  4. Depending on what you request, the forms can be adaptable and prompt with different questions as choices are made and information is filled in.
  5. Documents can be attached to the requests and will appear alongside the assignment in Opal.

Why Opal Chose Formstack

Features – As a dedicated form platform, Formstack offers a truly robust suite of features. From adaptable forms, to the ability to start workflows, Formstack offers everything users need. By connecting with Formstack, Opal has immediate feature parity with the other marketing project management platforms.

Prominence – Formstack is a widely-known and trusted platform. Many Opal customers were already familiar with Formstack – and some already used it.

Security – Just like Opal, Formstack puts a focus on data security. This proves especially important to our enterprise customer base.


Q: Where does the information in the request form appear in Opal?

A: The information from the external forms can only be entered into a pre-set up board.

Q: How does a submitted form kick off a marketing workflow?

A: This occurs by having one of the questions in the original form specify which user or user group should be assigned. When that information is imported into an Opal board, the user or group of users will be notified.

Q: How long does a submitted form take to go into Opal and populate a board?

A: Within seconds.

Q: What if I need to add new forms or update my current forms?

A: The Opal team will handle everything related to upgrading, creating, and managing forms.

Q: What is the cost for this integration?

A: Please contact your CSM or the sales team to get pricing.

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