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Discover Boards, Your New Home in Opal

Erynn Baird Updated by Erynn Baird

Your New Home in Opal

Opal was built to be the platform for planning, creating, and calendaring your brand content. With the release of Boards, we're taking the way you work to the next level!

The biggest innovation since our launch – Opal Boards is a true free-form planning space. This empowers you, your team, and your organization to:

Plan at any stage – no calendar date needed

  • Plan marketing at any stage of the process – no calendar date needed
  • Take content off the calendar if plans change
  • Centralize briefs, playbooks, templates, and other key documents
  • Establish a scratch space for brainstorming
  • Create planning collections around a specific time period (week, month, season) or topic (channel, brand, product)

Explore the most popular use cases that maximize your brand-new home in Opal!

Opal Boards

Campaign Planning

Campaign planning and calendaring aren’t the same. Planning starts with brainstorming sessions and marketing briefs – calendaring is flighting your work over time.

With Opal Boards, you have a dedicated space for marketing planning. That means you can plan in the same space where work is done – meaning no more brainstorming in random spreadsheets and Google docs.  

The flexible space of Boards provides an arena to plan campaigns, new product lines, and other big ideas – which are months, quarters, or even a year away. Campaign planning can take the form of writing open-ended briefs or planning out the structure of moments – long before they’ll ever go live.

Tip: Build different versions of campaign planning to account for market opportunities
Campaign Brainstorming in Opal Boards

Content Planning and Creation

Your great idea may come long before you have a publishing date – now you can capture lightning in a bottle. Building content in Opal Boards frees up the creative process. 

Plan your content without a scheduled publication date. With access to all content features of Opal, you can create on the platform you know as soon as you’re ready. That means you and  your team have access to workflow, pixel-perfect previews, presentations, and more. When the time comes to calendar your content, you’re ready to go! 

Plus, if you need a space to house a bank of evergreen content that can be deployed at any time, Boards delivers this, too. 

Tip: Build multiple content plans independently before adding content to the calendar.
Content Planning in Opal Boards
Content Mockups in Opal Boards

Playbooks and Templates 

Your organization has essential documents and toolkits that your teams can utilize. Now these templates and playbooks have a dedicated place in Opal.

Serving as a repository for these essential documents ensures they are always at hand when needed. Here’s an example of what you can centralize in Opal Boards:

  • Crisis management playbooks
  • Brand guidelines
  • Visual and copy style guides
  • Events documents
  • Brand governance documents
  • Social media influencer guidelines
  • Campaign and initiative templates
  • Intake forms

Playbooks in Opal Boards

Postponed Content and Templates

As the ultimate flexible space, we have created a place for content and ideas that don’t fit anywhere else. If plans change, save postponed content until it is needed by easily removing it from the calendar and storing it in a Board. 

Firstly, you never lose valuable content that needs to be delayed. In addition, you simplify work and stay better organized by parking postponed content in a board – rather than moving it to another date on the calendar. 

Postponed Plans and Templates in Opal Boards

Boards Keeps Getting Better

We're building Boards for you – and with you. That's why we’ve been iterating on Boards since the public Beta. Based on our observations and insightful user feedback, we've made Boards even better for launch. So, if you participated in our Beta, you’ll find an improved Boards experience. All of these upgrades are currently live:  

  • Privacy setting for Boards
  • Ability to share individual boards 
  • CSV imports 
  • A Boards inbox 
  • Updated planning templates
  • Boards ownership statuses
  • Inline collection creation
  • Editable moment image 
  • The ability to remove moments from Boards

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