
Naming Conventions

Using naming conventions, your team can an easy step to organize campaigns and their content by defining a clear naming convention for stories, moments, and content. Opal not only shows you what you and your team are creating, it also makes it easy to find what everyone is working on thanks to filters, labels, and, importantly, keywords. Keywords stand out, even when there's a lot of noise around because they can find a single item, or dozens of items related together.

Updated 1 year ago

Set Up Your Opal for Success

Opal provides the flexibility to configure and utilize your workspace to best support the way your team works. There are a few key items to consider before configuring your workspace: Organization, Content, and Process

Updated 1 year ago

Manage General Options

Configure the general settings for default time zone or week start day in your workspace.

Erynn Baird
Updated 2 years ago by Erynn Baird

Manage Label Sets & Labels

Keep your workspace organized by setting up and managing label sets and labels. Applying labels throughout the StoryFirst framework will make it easy for everyone on the team to easily filter and sort content.

Erynn Baird
Updated 2 years ago by Erynn Baird

Manage Channels & Accounts

Campaign content spans the gamut, and Opal accommodates this across all your channels and accounts. Manage existing and add new channels and accounts for your workspace. After an account is created, you have access to additional settings that can be applied to make each more efficient for your team.

Erynn Baird
Updated 2 years ago by Erynn Baird

Manage Workspace Workflow

When content in a workspace follows the same process - from development to approval to metrics gathering, task and approval phases can be set up for a workflow to be automatically applied.

Erynn Baird
Updated 2 years ago by Erynn Baird

User Directory

All users can access the User Directory to view and connect with each other.

Erynn Baird
Updated 9 months ago by Erynn Baird

Manage Users

As an Opal administrator, you have the ability to manage and edit all user accounts.

Erynn Baird
Updated 2 years ago by Erynn Baird

Role Capabilities

Access to Opal and your team's content is determined by the role your account is assigned. Learn more about each role, and its capabilities.

Updated 2 years ago

Viewer User

The Viewer role has access to many key features that will keep you aligned on all content and the process that brings content to life.

Erynn Baird
Updated 10 months ago by Erynn Baird

Limited User

Opal approver seats are intended to give limited Opal access to specific users who are only required to take part in the content approval process. There are certain limitations that prevent approver-only users from collaborating in the same way as a users with full platform access.

Updated 2 years ago

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Use your Single Sign-On (SSO) to access Opal.

Updated 2 years ago

Customer Success

We pride ourselves on providing a world-class experience for our customers. Your success starts with our platform and is amplified by our Customer Success team. Our team is dedicated to helping you a…

Updated 9 months ago
