Manage Assets

Assets Overview

In Opal, any images, videos, or documents uploaded within the platform are available in the Asset Library. Once uploaded, assets are then available for use on any piece of content.

Erynn Baird
Updated 9 months ago by Erynn Baird

View the Asset Library & Assets

The Asset Library can be accessed from the navigation sidebar, any story, or any piece of content. Assets are accessible via the Asset Library and the Composer.

Updated 2 years ago

Upload Assets

Assets can be uploaded to the Asset Library via the Asset Library, story page, or the Composer.

Updated 2 years ago

Edit Asset Settings

Every asset uploaded to Opal can be given specific settings such as story associations, labels, tags, and usage restrictions.

Updated 2 years ago

Export Asset Metadata to CSV

Uploading assets to the Asset Library and purposing them for content in Opal is a great way to have all of your assets in one place that is accessible for use in the creative process. Sometimes you may need to see a holistic, data-driven view of your assets. To accomplish this, we suggest exporting your assets to a CSV.

Updated 2 years ago
